Latest News & Events
Join us January 1, 2025 at 2:00 p.m. for our first ride of the new year. Meet up at the Cascades parking lot nearest the traffic circle at Denton and Kibby roads. We’ll ride the trail west for 6 miles and then turn around and ride back to the starting point. This will be a no drop ride.
Join us for our club’s Annual Meeting on Sunday, February 16 at the Crazy Cowboy in downtown Jackson. Doors will open at 1:00 p.m. and lunch will be served at 1:30. Your cost for lunch and soft drinks will be just $15, so please plan to attend. This is an opportunity to spend time with your riding friends in February without getting cold! We will also be holding elections for President and Secretary so come and let your voice be heard.
We will also be accepting annual dues payments and I'm happy to say the cost will be the same as last year: $20 for Individuals and $30 for Families. Your dues payments help the club to pay for things like insurance coverage for riders participating in club rides, and maintaining our website to keep you informed about what is going on. I appreciate all of you who joined or renewed your memberships last year, and hope all of you will renew your memberships this year.
To help the folks at Crazy Cowboy know how many guests to plan for, please let us know by Saturday, February 1st if you are planning to attend.