Cascades Cycling Club Newsletter

Serving Jackson’s Cycling Community for over 35 Years – All Riders – All Abilities
In this issue: Club Jerseys on Sale Now – On Two Wheels 30th Anniversary
Celebration March 30 – 11th Annual Mick Webster Memorial Ride June 22 –
Chelsea Fire Authority Update – Pedal & Whine Bike Tour August 3

This is the new club jersey shown in the color that was selected by more than a 2-1 margin by club members who cast a vote. This is a high visibility shade of green that will really stand out when you are riding on the road or the trail. Check out page 2 for details of this sale. Plan to order if you want to look great on your rides!
2019 Club Jersey Sale Details
- 5 Jersey styles will be offered for sale this year: 2 Men’s styles, 2 Women’s styles, and a lightweight long-sleeved unisex jersey.
- The Men’s short-sleeved jersey will be offered in the Tour style (Pro Fit) and the Sport style (Semi-Relaxed Fit). Both styles will only be offered with a 15” zipper.
- Both the Women’s short-sleeved jersey and the sleeveless jersey will be offered in the Tour style (Pro Fit). The short-sleeved jersey will be offered sizes up to 4 XL, and the sleeveless will be offered in sizes up to 2 XL. Both styles will only be offered with a 15” zipper.
- The lightweight long-sleeved jersey is the only jersey this year that comes with a full zip. It is a unisex jersey that is light enough for summer use and offers greater UV protection than the short sleeve or sleeveless styles.
- A full Fit Kit will be on display at On Two Wheels, 550 Laurence Ave. in Jackson beginning March 7. Every size of every style jersey will be on display. TO GET THE BEST FIT, MAKE SURE YOU STOP IN AND FIND OUT WHICH SIZE IS BEST FOR BEFORE PLACING YOUR ORDER!
- Ordering will be a two-step process: In Step 1 the Online Store will be opened and you will be able to go in and order as many jerseys as you like. You will not be charged at this time. We will email you to let you know when the Online Store opens, and tell you how long it will remain open.
- The Online Store will close after step 1 and Louis Garneau will determine pricing for each style based on the number of units ordered. The more we order, the less it will cost per unit.
- In Step 2, the store will reopen and you will be able to go in and pay for the jerseys you ordered in step 1.
- The Online Store will close after Step 2, and our order will be scheduled for production. Current estimates are 4-5 weeks after store closes.

2018 Year End Summary
2018 was a great year for our club. For those of you who are new to the club, or in case you missed this news last year, below are some of the highlights for 2018.
- We purchased a Stihl hedge trimmer to be used for clearing the Ella Sharp mountain bike trails. For those of you unfamiliar with gas-powered tools, Stihl is a good, reliable brand.
- After an anonymous donor purchased a new walk-behind brush hog and donated it to the club for clearing the trails at Ella Sharp Park, we purchased a trailer to transport the brush hog.
- Paid attendance at the Pedal & Whine Bike Tour in 2018 was 390 riders – the largest attendance for an event ride in club history!! A special thank you to all the club members who rode or volunteered to help out in this event!
- Since our club participates in the League of Michigan Bicyclists “$1 per Rider” program, we sent the LMB a check for $390 – our largest donation to the LMB ever!
- After learning of former president Ruth Riedeman’s crash at DTE in September and the difficulty the Chelsea Fire Authority had in reaching her to transport her to the hospital, we donated $500 to their Go Fund Me page for purchase of a trail rescue vehicle. This was the single biggest donation to their Go Fund Me page at the time, and no doubt helped others decide to help fund this great cause (see next page for more on this topic).
In summary, 2018 was a terrific year in our club’s history. With your help and participation 2019 can be even better!
Chelsea Fire Department Update

Great News! On February 11 we received this update from Captain C. Smyth of the Chelsea Fire Authority:
“I would like to send a tremendous thank out to everyone that has made this fund raising event a success. From the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Huron Waterloo Pathways Initiative, and DTE, along with all of the wonderful people who have made donations to our cause. We are in the process of ordering the Rokon ATV, along with the Rescue Trailer in the next few days. We are working hard to have this equipment ready to serve as soon as possible. I know you are still riding the trails as we speak. I have been following your fat tire activities through the winter months. Everyone be safe out there and have a good ride. I will keep you posted on our progress and delivery of the Rokon. Our Go Fund Me page is still active and we are accepting donations to help purchase and fully outfit the Rokon with the needed medical equipment to best serve our citizens in need. Help spread the word!”
Help (Still) Wanted at On Two Wheels

On Two Wheels is looking for part-time help. Business has been tremendous and we could use a few extra hands. We are searching for the following: A salesperson ( no experience necessary ) who would be willing to work Saturdays ( and maybe more? ); A mechanic who is already somewhat comfortable around bicycles. The mechanic should be willing to work a couple days a week ( or more ). Also, I would love to have a woman on the sales floor. If anyone reading this is interested in any of these positions, or knows someone who is, please stop in and see Pat or me at On Two Wheels, 550 Laurence Avenue, Jackson. We would love to talk to you!
Adam Kohn

Pedal & Whine Bike Tour 2019

When: Saturday, August 3, 2019
Where: Sandhill Crane Vineyards
What: Seventh Annual Pedal & Whine Bike Tour
Register Now! Roy and Chris Say This is a Great Ride!
Registration is now open on for the 2019 Pedal & Whine Bike
Tour! Our 2018 ride was a huge success, with 390 riders enjoying this great
ride. Heather Price of Sandhill Crane Vineyards has agreed to allow us to
increase our attendance this year, so mark your calendars and plan to join
your fellow club members for Jackson County’s biggest ride!
How to Register: Visit or to register
Please Help the Club! Send in Your 2019 Dues!
In case you haven’t already paid them, this is your reminder that club dues are payable each year on January 1. Your dues give you a voice in Lansing and in Washington as they allow our club a to be a member of the Leagues of Michigan and American Bicyclists. These organizations continually work to make our roads (both paved and gravel!) safer for you and your family to ride.
Funds raised through dues help pay recurring annual costs like our website and insurance policy. Our insurance provides members with liability insurance in case you are sued, and supplemental medical insurance to cover your deductibles in case you are injured on a ride.
Membership in Cascades Cycling Club also gives you a 10% discount on parts and accessories at P&T Fitness and On Two Wheels. You can save money and be a commendable cyclist simply by renewing your membership.
To renew, just click this link to go to our clubs website where you will be able to renew online, or print an application form and mail it in with your check.
Volunteers Needed!
Jackson Crit 2019
Cameron Kohn is determined to bring bicycle racing back to downtown Jackson on Saturday August 10, and has been working hard to make this happen. To be successful he will need a number of volunteers on Race Day. Please help Cameron bring bicycle racing back to Jackson! Join me and contact Cameron and let him know you are willing to help out. Cameron’s email is [email protected]
Coppernoll Hardware Bike Tune Up Day
Ruth Riedeman has been asked to organize a “Bike Tune Up Day” at Coppernoll Hardware in Grass Lake. This event has been tentatively scheduled for May 11 and Ruth will need some help to make this happen. Please send Ruth a note at [email protected] and let her know you will be able to come out to Grass Lake and help her out for a couple of hours that day. Sharing your knowledge of how to pump tires, oil chains, adjust brakes and seat height is probably all the skills you will need to help someone to start riding this spring!
Cascades Cycling Club Officers
President: Mike Woizeschke
[email protected]
Vice President: Jeff Dayss
[email protected]
Secretary: Mary Reid
[email protected]
Treasurer: Denise Miller
[email protected]